
314 North Main Street Suite 120

PO Box 249

Roanoke, IN 46783

260-672-2989 (T) 260-676-2239 (Fax)

On the web at http://www.roanoke.lib.in.us


The Roanoke Public Library is now offering a new service.  Library Director, Celia Bandelier, is now a Notary Public.  Celia is in the library and available to notarize your paperwork, as long as it is in English and you have proper ID, during most of the library's operating hours except during lunch hour from noon to 1 pm and when she is called away from the library.  The library will be charging a $2.00 fee for this service.  To read more about the library's Notary Public policy go to http://www.roanoke.lib.in.us/LightNEasy.php?page=Notary%20Public

1 comment:

  1. It is easy to prevent fraudulent practices by having a notary public present during the signing of documents. This is because the signers of the documents will be required to establish and proof their real identity.

    Where Do I Find a Notary?
